How to improve resilience, or mental toughness?

Building immunity is important – we learn about it from an early age. What about resilience? Every year around spring and autumn we see dozens of articles urging us to take care of our immunity. Vitamin C, proper diet, outdoor exercise... most of us can name at least a few tips on how to get yourself ready for the upcoming wave of colds.

With the mind, things are different. Even the word resilience, which also means immunity the immunity of the mind – sounds quite foreign. Not to mention that we have not been taught how to take care of this area. And yet this is an extremely important issue, not just during the season, but all year round. That’s because resilience is all about how our body responds to stress and whether it can neutralise the negative effects of stress on the mood and body quickly enough.

Resilience – is it acquired or innate?

Similarly to the ‘traditional’ immunity, some of us have naturally higher resilience levels. Such people cope better with traumatic events, are more flexible when confronted with life’s challenges, and do not experience as severe somatic symptoms of stress. This largely depends on your individual character, but also upbringing and support from people around you. And this is actually good news – because it means that there are external drivers of resilience we can control. As a result, we can build it up, like we do with immunity to seasonal colds.

What to do to improve your resilience?

People with strong resilience often leverage the power of a supportive environment: their family, friends, acquaintances. It’s good to have this power base and use support when you feel bad. Interestingly, helping others also builds resilience, which is why it’s so important to nurture relationships.

It will probably come as no surprise if we say that resilience and self-confidence go hand in hand. People who have confidence in their decisions and do not indulge in negative self-talk are much better at handling stressful situations. We wrote about gaining self-confidence HERE. As you can see, developing this trait is beneficial in many other ways.

Optimism will also work as a strong shield to protect us against the effects of stress. Of course, this is not about falling into the trap of positive thinking and experiencing successive disappointments. Instead, we are talking about an attitude that makes us tackle potential problems creatively, with an action-oriented mindset rather than an expectation of failure. This empowerment, obviously, is linked to self-confidence, but it also requires you to believe in success. Helplessness, or a “doomed to fail” attitude, will let stress take over, making traumas harder to recover from.